I need to split a keyword string and turn it into a comma delimited string. However, I need to get rid of extra spaces and any commas that the user has already input.
In addition to Felix Kling's answer
If you have preceding and trailing white spaces, you should remove those first.
It's possible to add an "extension method" to a JavaScript String
by hooking into it's prototype. I've been using the following to trim preceding and trailing white-spaces, and thus far it's worked a treat:
// trims the leading and proceeding white-space
String.prototype.trim = function()
return this.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
If you just want to split, trim and join keeping the whitespaces, you can do this with lodash:
// The string to fix
var stringToFix = "The Wizard of Oz,Casablanca,The Green Mile";
// split, trim and join back without removing all the whitespaces between
var fixedString = _.map(stringToFix.split(','), _.trim).join(' == ');
// output: "The Wizard of Oz == Casablanca == The Green Mile"
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/lodash/4.16.3/lodash.min.js"></script>
let query = "split me by space and remove trailing spaces and store in an array ";
let words = query.trim().split(" ");
Output : [ 'split', 'me', 'by', 'space','and','remove', 'trailing', 'spaces', 'and', 'store', 'in', 'an', 'array' ]
In ES6:
var temp = str.split(",").map((item)=>item.trim());
You will need a regular expression in both cases. You could split and join the string:
str = str.split(/[\s,]+/).join();
This splits on and consumes any consecutive white spaces and commas. Similarly, you could just match and replace these characters:
str = str.replace(/[\s,]+/g, ',');
For the trailing comma, just append one
str = .... + ',';
If you have preceding and trailing white spaces, you should remove those first.
Reference: .split, .replace, Regular Expressions
I would keep it simple, and just match anything not allowed instead to join on:
This matches all the gaps, no matter what non-allowed characters are in between. To get rid of the empty entry at the beginning and end, a simple filter for non-null values will do. See detailed explanation on regex101.
var str = ", ,, ford, tempo, with,,, sunroof,, ,";
var result = str.split(/[^a-zA-Z-]+/g).filter(v=>v).join(',');