Mysql to select month-wise record even if data not exist

前端 未结 2 1808
隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-11-27 22:14

I wrote a query to get month-wise record in user table as follows

SELECT COUNT( `userID` ) AS total, DATE_FORMAT( `userRegistredDate` , \'%b\' ) AS
MONTH , Y         

  • 2020-11-27 22:30

    You may need a table to hold every "month" record. A temp table can do the trick:

    drop table if extists temp_months;
    create temporary table temp_months
        month date,
        index idx_date(month);
    insert into temp_months
        values ('2013-01-31'), ('2013-02-28'), ...

    And now, you can left join your data with this newly created temp table:

        COUNT( `userID` ) AS total, 
        DATE_FORMAT( m.month , '%b' ) AS
        MONTH , 
        YEAR( m.month ) AS year
        months as m
        left join `users` as u on m.month = last_day(FROM_UNIXTIME(`userRegistredDate`, '%b' )

    Notice that you can put the temp table creation (and fill) in a stored procedure.

    I use last_day for simplicity, but you are free to use any date in the month that you like, if you join it correctly.

    Hope this helps

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  • 2020-11-27 22:31

    I won't say much about efficiency as I have not tested it against other methods but without having a temp table this seem a fair way to go.

       SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, m.month
         FROM (
               SELECT 'Jan' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Feb' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Mar' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Apr' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'May' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Jun' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Jul' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Aug' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Sep' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Oct' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Nov' AS MONTH
               UNION SELECT 'Dec' AS MONTH
              ) AS m
    LEFT JOIN users u 
    ON MONTH(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(m.month, ' 2013'),'%M %Y')) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)
       AND YEAR(u.userRegistredDate) = '2013'
    GROUP BY m.month
    ORDER BY 1+1;

    If you make the union based on a date format you can even reduce the work and load on the query.

       SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, DATE_FORMAT(merge_date,'%b') AS month, YEAR(m.merge_date) AS year
         FROM (
               SELECT '2013-01-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-02-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-03-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-04-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-05-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-06-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-07-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-08-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-09-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-10-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-11-01' AS merge_date
               UNION SELECT '2013-12-01' AS merge_date
              ) AS m
    LEFT JOIN users u 
           ON MONTH(m.merge_date) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)
              AND YEAR(m.merge_date) = YEAR(u.userRegistredDate)
    GROUP BY m.merge_date
    ORDER BY 1+1;

    Live DEMO of both queries.

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