I\'m trying to install berta (v 0.6.3b) and I get this error:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/var/php_sessions/sess_a0d6b84
Sessions are saved on the harddisk of your server. Most likely your session save path does not exist. Try setting it to a directory that does exist or that you have read/write rights to.
Make sure that session directory is writable or you can set a path yourself with:
This comment is also useful if you are using above function.
I think the folder containing the session data cannot be accessed by the PHP process.
If you have not touched your php.ini, the default session.save_handler should be files (which means that session data will be stored in a folder on your file system). The value of session.save_path contains that folder, you should check that it exists and its permissions for your php process.
If you're changing the path that is being used for sessions.
You also might consider, fixing this problem by changing session.save_path
variable in your php.ini
Then you'll be fixing in your configuration file and not only in your script.