Searched for this, and couldn\'t seem to find anyone who\'d already asked, so here goes.
I\'m starting to switch over to IPython as my go-to shell on Windows 7, and I\'d
You can use IPython's script magics to execute PowerShell commands.
In your IPython profile, modify
to include the lines:
c.ScriptMagics.script_magics = ['powershell']
c.ScriptMagics.script_paths = {
'powershell':'powershell.exe -noprofile -command -'}
-command -
tells PowerShell to execute the stdin text as the command. You can leave out the -noprofile
if you need to load your PS profile, but it will be slower.
You can then use %%powershell
as a script cell magic.
In [1]: %%powershell
...: 1..5
To make it a little easier to use, I defined my own magic function to handle PowerShell commands with both line and cell magics. (see: defining your own magics) This can be loaded automatically by placing the script in your IPython profile's startup folder. (i.e. ~\.ipython\profile_default\startup\
from IPython.core.magic import register_line_cell_magic
from IPython import get_ipython
ipython = get_ipython()
def ps(line, cell=None):
"Magic that works both as %ps and as %%ps"
if cell is None:
ipython.run_cell_magic('powershell', '--out posh_output' ,line)
return posh_output.splitlines()
return ipython.run_cell_magic('powershell', line, cell)
To use the %ps
line magic and return the output to a variable:
In [1]: ps_version = %ps $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
In [2]: print(ps_version)
To use the %%ps
cell magic and output to the console:
In [3]: %%ps
...: gci c:\
Directory: C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d-r-- 10/2/2013 10:39 AM Program Files
d-r-- 12/6/2013 1:44 PM Program Files (x86)
d---- 2/6/2014 4:33 PM TEMP
d-r-- 11/27/2013 11:10 AM Users
d---- 1/13/2014 11:21 AM Windows
Cell magics can send output to a variable with --out <variable name>
In [4]: %%ps --out process_name_id
...: $procs = gps| select Name, ID
...: $procs| ConvertTo-Csv -NoType| select -skip 1
In [5]: import csv
In [6]: list(csv.reader(process_name_id.splitlines()))
[['7+ Taskbar Numberer', '3400'],
['acrotray', '3668'],
['armsvc', '1772'],
['audiodg', '4160'],
['AutoHotkeyU64', '472'],
['chrome', '6276'],
The simplest way is to import os and update environment variable comspec
in your Jupiter notebook or python shell
import os
Then use following command.
!gc log.txt | select -first 10 # head
!gc -TotalCount 10 log.txt # also head
!gc log.txt | select -last 10 # tail
!gc -Tail 10 log.txt # also tail (since PSv3), also much faster than above option
!gc log.txt | more # or less if you have it installed
!gc log.txt | %{ $_ -replace '\d+', '($0)' } # sed
and more at
It is a little bit dodgy, but you could resort to calling pre-made powershell scripts using
os.system('powershell C:\file.ps1')
or individual commands like so:
os.system("powershell; gci | where {$_.Fullname -contains 'some stuff'}")
I just tested this, and it seems to only have to open a single powershell instance:
os.system("powershell; gci; gc C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services; []::gethostbyaddress('') | more")
but I guess it could get ugly and slow if you had to call this type of thing many times in a script.