My understanding is that when an asynchronous operation throws an exception, it will be propagated back to a thread that calls std::future::get()
. However, when su
there is an error with the
static const char *const _Future_messages[] =
{ // messages for future errors
"broken promise",
"future already retrieved",
"promise already satisfied",
"no state"
this code generated an invalid acceso to "_Future_messages" because _Mycode.value() return 4.
const char *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL what() const _THROW0()
{ // get message string
return (_Get_future_error_what(_Mycode.value()));
// code example
std::future<int> empty;
try {
int n = empty.get();
} catch (const std::future_error& e) {
const error_code eCode = e.code();
char *sValue = (char*)e.what();
std::cout << "Caught a future_error with code " << eCode.message()
<< " - what" << sValue << endl;
It is ignored and discarded, just like if you wait()
for a value but never get()
simply says "block until the future is ready", be that ready with a value or exception. It's up to the caller to actually get()
the value (or exception). Usually you'll just use get()
, which waits anyway.