I need to get HDD serial number to use it as a key for licensing a software. I used diskid32 code in this url: http://www.winsim.com/d
Basically you're relying on data that's not strictly reliable to begin with. Drives may change over the lifetime of a computer; all the while getting exactly the right serial number isn't even important to your product.
One easy hack I can think of is to normalize the serial number, e.g. by sorting the digits; this will make more drives look alike, but I doubt it will become an issue.
Another way of looking at the problem is that the application should provision for serial number changes; the user could be informed about the licensing issue (for whatever reasons) and asked to contact the support department with a generated code (not necessarily the serial number itself). Given this code, support can then create a new license for the customer.
Just turn off the flip using the "flip" flag of the flibAndCodeBytes function when windows 8 or greater.
bool shoulFlipBytes = true;
if(IsWin8OrLater()) shouldFlipBytes = false;
You can use this to check for windows version:
#include <windows.h>
bool IsWin8OrLater() {
DWORD version = GetVersion();
DWORD major = (DWORD) (LOBYTE(LOWORD(version)));
DWORD minor = (DWORD) (HIBYTE(LOWORD(version)));
return (major > 6) || ((major == 6) && (minor >= 2));
According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724832%28VS.85%29.aspx (Thanks to ChrisV Determine if O/S is Windows 7)
I use the same approach (and same code) in my software licensing. Yes, Windows 8 for some reason is returning flipped values for this method, I can't say why (so I can't answer your question).
My solution is the one that you pointed out: Flip the values again. So, after calling the "flipAndCodeBytes", you could test if is a Windows 8 OS, and flip the values.
In my case, it's working now (I got the same values for Windows XP/Vista/7 and Windows 8).
Good luck!
Seem you have to check for windows version through API and add if() branch to your code if version is high enough
My devs found other problem with this method - that kind of IOCtl code relies on program is being run with administrator rights on Win7\Win8+. In cause of our software, it's service that is run with system rights and clients software that is strictly run with user rights
For licensing-checking purposes, you really don't care. All you need to know is that some configurations result in flipping, some don't, and it can change during the lifetime of a license.
So accept both variants:
string serial = get_serial();
if (license_check(serial)) {
licensed = true;
serial = swap_bytes(serial);
if (license_check(serial)) {
licensed = true;
(I see Raymond suggested this in a comment)
No fragile OS check, no worries about whether it failed to flip right when the user applied for the license. Just happy users.