I know there is way to change animation duration of ViewPager
programmatical slide (here).
But its not working on ViewPager2
I tried t
ViewPager2 team made it REALLY hard to change the scrolling speed. If you look at the method setCurrentItemInternal, they instantiate their own private ScrollToPosition(..) object. along with state management code, so this would be the method that you would have to somehow override.
As a solution from here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/122656759, they say use (ViewPager2).fakeDragBy()
which is super ugly.
Not the best, just have to wait form them to give us an API to set duration or copy their ViewPager2 code and directly modify their LinearLayoutImpl class.
Based on this issue ticket Android team is not planning to support such behavior for ViewPager2, advise from the ticket is to use ViewPager2.fakeDragBy()
. Disadvantage of this method is that you have to supply page width in pixels, although if your page width is the same as ViewPager's width then you can use that value instead.
Here's sample implementation
fun ViewPager2.setCurrentItem(
item: Int,
duration: Long,
interpolator: TimeInterpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(),
pagePxWidth: Int = width // Default value taken from getWidth() from ViewPager2 view
) {
val pxToDrag: Int = pagePxWidth * (item - currentItem)
val animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, pxToDrag)
var previousValue = 0
animator.addUpdateListener { valueAnimator ->
val currentValue = valueAnimator.animatedValue as Int
val currentPxToDrag = (currentValue - previousValue).toFloat()
previousValue = currentValue
animator.addListener(object : Animator.AnimatorListener {
override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animator?) { beginFakeDrag() }
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) { endFakeDrag() }
override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator?) { /* Ignored */ }
override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animator?) { /* Ignored */ }
animator.interpolator = interpolator
animator.duration = duration
To support RTL
you have to flip the value supplied to ViewPager2.fakeDragBy()
, so from above example instead of fakeDragBy(-currentPxToDrag)
use fakeDragBy(currentPxToDrag)
when using RTL
Few things to keep in mind when using this, based on official docs:
negative values scroll forward, positive backward (flipped with RTL)
before calling fakeDragBy()
use beginFakeDrag()
and after you're finished endFakeDrag()
from ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback
, where you can distinguish between programmatical drag and user drag thanks to isFakeDragging()