I am learning angular2 and was able to share data between sibling components using input/output.
Here is my working example.
//our root app componen
You can always just create a binding to a variable on a service from two different components. In this example one component increments a number and the other component displays the value
You won't be able to detect and respond to changes with this approach. A more robust approach would be to use an observable to broadcast changes to the state in your service. e.g.
import {BehaviorSubject} from "rxjs/BehaviorSubject"
export class MyService {
private state$ = new BehaviorSubject<any>('initialState');
changeState(myChange) {
getState() {
return this.state$.asObservable();
Then your components could subscribe to state changes and change the state by calling custom methods on the service. I have a concrete example of this approach here https://github.com/robianmcd/ng2-redux-demo/blob/redux-demo-with-service/app/user.service.ts