I\'m sending an email using CakePHP and I got an Error: SMTP server did not accept the password
, along with an email in my inbox says that: sign-in attempt bl
You need to allow "less secure" apps in your Google account settings:
See this announcement as well http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.de/2014/04/new-security-measures-will-affect-older.html
You should implement OAuth2 instead of weakening the security!
Make sure that the field in 'username' => and 'password'=> is authenticate or valid. I had experienced the same issue and all I do is to go this link https://accounts.google.com/b/0/DisplayUnlockCaptcha and click the button 'Continue'. make sure you're logged in in gmail using the 'username' and 'password' provided in your code. After that, try to send email again.
I was facing same issue. in my case Password was not so strong. It contains username in password. I change the password and try again. it works. *The other thing you can do that you can use other email address with strong password. make sure captcha is and less secure is enabled. *