When setting up a new Entity data Model, there is an option to
[x] Pluralize or singularize generated object names
I have noticed th
If you check Pluralize or singularize generated object names
, the set in the class context.cs
genrated by EF will be named in the format:
public virtual DbSet<SomeTableName> SomeTableNames { get; set; }
if not check, it'll be named:
public virtual DbSet<SomeTableName> SomeTableName { get; set; }
Advantages/Disadvantages IMHO:
I would like to see collection set be named ending with 's', such as dbset colleciton of Employee class
of Employee Table
named Employees
, so I'll check the option. But I guess maybe someone would like to treat the dbset as a table, so he/she would like to name it same as table name Employee
No problem at all, except that you'll probably want to do it manually. Usually, you want entity names singular and entity set names plural.