I\'m using Get-EventLog to set a variable, and then setting another variable with the event ID description. I then use blat.exe to email this information to a group.
Depending on a case, it might be simpler to use Trim(Char[]) method:
...Removes all leading and trailing occurrences...
e.g. $your_variable.Trim('"')
It will remove quotes only from start and end of $your_variable. It will keep any quotes, escaped or not, which are inside the text of $your_variable as they were:
PS C:\> $v.Trim('"') # where $v is: "hu""hu"hu'hu"
You can use Trim('"')
, Trim("'")
, but also both: Trim("`"'")
Note that Trim() does not care if a quote is orphaned, meaning that it will remove ending or starting quote regardless of it having or not a paired quote on the other side of the string.
PS C:\Users\Papo> $hu = "A: He asked `"whos this sofa?`" B: She replied: `"Chris'`""
PS C:\Users\Papo> $hu
A: He asked "whos this sofa?" B: She replied: "Chris'"
PS C:\Users\Papo> $hu.trim('"')
A: He asked "whos this sofa?" B: She replied: "Chris'
PS C:\Users\Papo> # and even worse:
PS C:\Users\Papo> $hu.trim("'`"")
A: He asked "whos this sofa?" B: She replied: "Chris
The problem is that a simple replace cleans out every quote character, even if escaped (doubled). Here are the functions I created for my use :
I also made them generic to manage other characters, with the optional $charToReplace parameter
#Replaces single occurrences of characters in a string.
#Default is to replace single quotes
Function RemoveNonEscapedChar {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String] $param,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String] $charToReplace
if ($charToReplace -eq '') {
$charToReplace = "'"
$cleanedString = ""
$index = 0
$length = $param.length
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $length; $index++) {
$char = $param[$index]
if ($char -eq $charToReplace) {
if ($index +1 -lt $length -and $param[$index + 1] -eq $charToReplace) {
$cleanedString += "$charToReplace$charToReplace"
++$index ## /!\ Manual increment of our loop counter to skip next char /!\
$cleanedString += $char
return $cleanedString
#A few test cases :
RemoveNonEscapedChar("'st''r'''i''ng'") #Echoes st''r''i''ng
RemoveNonEscapedChar("""st""""r""""""i""""ng""") -charToReplace '"' #Echoes st""r""i""ng
RemoveNonEscapedChar("'st''r'''i''ng'") -charToReplace 'r' #Echoes 'st'''''i''ng'
#Escapes single occurences of characters in a string. Double occurences are not escaped. e.g. ''' will become '''', NOT ''''''.
#Default is to replace single quotes
Function EscapeChar {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String] $param,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String] $charToEscape
if ($charToEscape -eq '') {
$charToEscape = "'"
$cleanedString = ""
$index = 0
$length = $param.length
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $length; $index++) {
$char = $param[$index]
if ($char -eq $charToEscape) {
if ($index +1 -lt $length -and $param[$index + 1] -eq $charToEscape) {
++$index ## /!\ Manual increment of our loop counter to skip next char /!\
$cleanedString += "$charToEscape$charToEscape"
$cleanedString += $char
return $cleanedString
#A few test cases :
EscapeChar("'st''r'''i''ng'") #Echoes ''st''r''''i''ng''
EscapeChar("""st""""r""""""i""""ng""") -charToEscape '"' #Echoes ""st""r""""i""ng""
EscapeChar("'st''r'''i''ng'") -charToEscape 'r' #Echoes 'st''rr'''i''ng'
If the variable is a String object then you can do the following:
I actually just got it. The number of quotes and double quotes was confusing me, but this has worked and blat did not error.
$var -replace '"', ""
Those quotes are: single, double, single, comma, double, double.
If you use Powershell's built-in send-mailmessage
(2.0 required), you can eliminate your dependency on blat.exe
and properly handle this issue without editing the description from the event log.
None of the above answers worked for me. So I created the following solution...
Search and Replace the character single Quote "'" ascii Character (39) with a space " " ascii Character (32)
$strOldText = [char] 39
$strNewText = [char] 32
$Variable. = $Variable..Replace($strOldText, $strNewText).Trim()