I just updated Chrome to version 16.0.912.63 and now I get hundreds of errors using jQuery 1.7.1. Seems to fire whenever the mouse is moved...
event.layerX and e
In my case it was the Chrome extension "Search by Image (by Google) 1.1.0"
Nothing to do with my application.
Disable it and you'll be free of these annoying errors.
add js to js file footer:
//remove layerX and layerY
var all = $.event.props,
len = all.length,
res = [];
while (len--) {
var el = all[len];
if (el != 'layerX' && el != 'layerY') res.push(el);
$.event.props = res;
you can try it.
You should only worry about this if it is:
and layerY
all over the placeThe message is just telling you that those two properties are deprecated (at least in Webkit) and will be removed from jQuery in the near future.