I have checked and double checked my APIkey that I registered on the Google Console however I am still getting the following error:
12-05 16:31:12.940: E/Goo
You might have enabled the wrong service "Google Maps Android API v2", not "Google Maps API v2"
I did everything what was required to achieve this task. My key, manifest, code etc. were all right. But, in the end after wasting a lot of time, the debug keystore which I was using was the wrong one. It's was all about the SHA1 fingerprint after all.
BTW, I'm running Windows 7. I fussed over this for days, until I discovered the following: I have more than one debug.keystore. One is at:
And there's another, at:
Once I found the "C:\Users\David.android\debug.keystore" I did:
keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\Users\David\.android\debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android -v
I submitted the resulting SHA1 to google console and got an API-key that works. Getting the SHA1 from the keystore at "C:\android-sdk.android\debug.keystore" does not work.
I was facing the same issue ; but for me it was keystore issue I was signing it with debug keystore hence Google map api v2 was not able to connect to Google map.
I created a new api key using my-release-keystore.keystore
(u can find it at C:\Users\{YOUR_USER_NAME}\.android\my-release-key.keystor
e) generate SHA1 using keytool available in JDK; copy it and register with google console.
Use api key generated in your applications manifest file. Sign it with my-release-key.keystore
will pushing it on device.