I write some piece of code in Java 8 which use time arithmetic. I realize that I can implement in differentways. Lets look at simple code below. Of course it is the same result
can only handle fixed-length periods, such as "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "days" (where it assumes exactly 24 hours per day). You can't use "months" with Duration
, because a month varies in length.
- the other common TemporalAmount
implementation - represents years, months and days separately.
Personally I would recommend:
method, e.g. time.plusMinutes(10)
. That's about as easy to read as it gets.Period
Here's an example of where Period
and Duration
can differ:
import java.time.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of("Europe/London");
// At 2015-03-29T01:00:00Z, Europe/London goes from UTC+0 to UTC+1
LocalDate transitionDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 3, 29);
ZonedDateTime start = ZonedDateTime.of(transitionDate, LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, zone);
ZonedDateTime endWithDuration = start.plus(Duration.ofDays(1));
ZonedDateTime endWithPeriod = start.plus(Period.ofDays(1));
System.out.println(endWithDuration); // 2015-03-30T01:00+01:00[Europe/London]
System.out.println(endWithPeriod); // 2015-03-30T00:00+01:00[Europe/London]
I wouldn't worry about the efficiency until you really need to - at which point you should have a benchmark so you can test different options.
If you look at the source, the plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit)
method uses the plusXXX
methods to produce the results. So there are no arguments here about efficiency.
Instead, you use whichever is most appropriate for your scenario. I would suggest that if you are using user input to decide whether to add hours, minutes, etc., then the plus()
method is better. Otherwise, your code might be easier to read if you use plusXXX