How to update one Bezier curve as another is moved using a custom editor

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悲哀的现实 2021-02-18 22:25

I am creating Bézier curves using the code below which I got from here. I have also made a BezierPair game object which has two Bézier curves as child objects.

  • 2021-02-18 22:42


    I dont think you'll need your BezierPair class. I suggest you to add a reference to the other BezierCurve object you want to "pair" as a public field on the BezierCurve class (paired). That other curve will get "paired" with this curve. Once paired, the constraints on the movement may apply. You can control the desired behaviors with the 3 public bool fields behavior1, behavior2 and behavior3.

    Note#1: Instead of calling the method DrawBezierCurve from the Editor, I added the [ExecuteInEditMode] to the Component Class. This way, You don't mix responsibilities between the Component and the Editor: The BezierCurve component draws itself on the scene, while the BezierCurveEditor only manages edit logic, like applying the constraints and drawing the handlers.


    using UnityEngine;
    [ExecuteInEditMode] // Makes Update() being called often even in Edit Mode
    public class BezierCurve : MonoBehaviour
      public Vector3[] points;
      public int numPoints = 50;
      // Curve that is paired with this curve
      public BezierCurve paired;
      public bool behavior1; // check on editor if you desired behavior 1 ON/OFF
      public bool behavior2; // check on editor if you desired behavior 2 ON/OFF
      public bool behavior3; // check on editor if you desired behavior 3 ON/OFF
      LineRenderer lr;
      void Reset()
        points = new Vector3[]
          new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f),
          new Vector3(2f, 0f, 0f),
          new Vector3(3f, 0f, 0f),
          new Vector3(4f, 0f, 0f)
      void Start()
        lr = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
      void Update()
        // This component is the only responsible for drawing itself.
      // This method is called whenever a field is changed on Editor
      void OnValidate()
        // This avoids pairing with itself
        if (paired == this) paired = null;
      void DrawBezierCurve()
        lr.positionCount = numPoints;
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
          // This corrects the "strange" extra point you had with your script.
          float t = i / (float)(numPoints - 1);
          lr.SetPosition(i, GetPoint(t));
      public Vector3 GetPoint(float t)
        return transform.TransformPoint(Bezier.GetPoint(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t));
      public Vector3 GetVelocity(float t)
        return transform.TransformPoint(Bezier.GetFirstDerivative(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t)) - transform.position;
      public Vector3 GetDirection(float t)
        return GetVelocity(t).normalized;

    Note#2: The desired behavior were coded inside the handler drawing methods, so you have access to Undo and other features.

    Note#3: EditorUtility.SetDirty is considered obsolete since Unity 5.3 for marking objects as dirty for drawing, and should no-longer be used for modifying objects in scenes. Undo.RecordObject does the job.


    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEditor;
    // This attribute allows you to select multiple curves and manipulate them all as a whole on Scene or Inspector
    [CustomEditor(typeof(BezierCurve)), CanEditMultipleObjects]
    public class BezierCurveEditor : Editor
      BezierCurve curve;
      Transform handleTransform;
      Quaternion handleRotation;
      const int lineSteps = 10;
      const float directionScale = 0.5f;
      BezierCurve prevPartner; // Useful later.
      void OnSceneGUI()
        curve = target as BezierCurve;
        if (curve == null) return;
        handleTransform = curve.transform;
        handleRotation = Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local ? handleTransform.rotation : Quaternion.identity;
        Vector3 p0 = ShowPoint(0);
        Vector3 p1 = ShowPoint(1);
        Vector3 p2 = ShowPoint(2);
        Vector3 p3 = ShowPoint(3);
        Handles.color = Color.gray;
        Handles.DrawLine(p0, p1);
        Handles.DrawLine(p2, p3);
        Handles.DrawBezier(p0, p3, p1, p2, Color.white, null, 2f);
        // Handles multiple selection
        var sel = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(BezierCurve), SelectionMode.Editable);
        if (sel.Length == 1)
          // This snippet checks if you just attached or dettached another curve,
          // so it updates the attached member in the other curve too automatically
          if (prevPartner != curve.paired)
            if (prevPartner != null) { prevPartner.paired = null; }
            prevPartner = curve.paired;
        if (curve.paired != null & curve.paired != curve)
          // Pair the curves.
          var partner = curve.paired;
          partner.paired = curve;
          partner.behavior1 = curve.behavior1;
          partner.behavior2 = curve.behavior2;
          partner.behavior3 = curve.behavior3;
      // Constraints for a curve attached to back
      // The trick here is making the object being inspected the "master" and the attached object is adjusted to it.
      // This way, you avoid the conflict of one object trying to move the other.
      // [ExecuteInEditMode] on component class makes it posible to have real-time drawing while editing.
      // If you were calling DrawBezierCurve from here, you would only see updates on the other curve when you select it
      Vector3 ShowPoint(int index)
        var thisPts = curve.points;
        Vector3 point = handleTransform.TransformPoint(thisPts[index]);
        point = Handles.DoPositionHandle(point, handleRotation);
        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
          if (curve.paired != null && curve.paired != curve)
            Undo.RecordObjects(new Object[] { curve, curve.paired }, "Move Point " + index.ToString());
            var pairPts = curve.paired.points;
            var pairTransform = curve.paired.transform;
            switch (index)
              case 0:
                  if (curve.behavior1)
                    pairPts[0] = pairTransform.InverseTransformPoint(point);
              case 1:
                  if (curve.behavior2)
                    var p1 = handleTransform.TransformPoint(thisPts[1]);
                    pairPts[1] += pairTransform.InverseTransformVector(point - p1);
              case 2:
                  if (curve.behavior3)
                    var p0 = handleTransform.TransformPoint(thisPts[0]);
                    var p3 = handleTransform.TransformPoint(thisPts[3]);
                    var reflect = Vector3.Reflect(p3 - point, (p3 - p0).normalized);
                    pairPts[2] = pairTransform.InverseTransformPoint(p3 + reflect);
            Undo.RecordObject(curve, "Move Point " + index.ToString());
          thisPts[index] = handleTransform.InverseTransformPoint(point);
        return point;

    For have it working, reference one BezierCurve to another's paired field through inspector, and set ON/OFF the behaviors you want.

    Tips: tinker the properties of the LineRenderer to get cool gradients or width variation (like a brush stroke). If you have a cusp node and want it to look continuous, increase the value of End Cap Vertices on the Line Renderer. Use Sprites-Default as Material, for 2D.

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  • 2021-02-18 22:44

    I tried solving 1. in the code below but the position for the second curve wouldn’t update without my selecting BezierPair in the hierarchy window

    This is because you are using OnInspectorGUI() callback inside your BezierPairEditor class. It is only executed when the inspector of BezierPairEditor is shown on your editor window. Thus if you do not click on the GameObject with the BezierPair component, the BezierPair's inspector is not shown, and the callback does not trigger.

    Instead, use the EditorApplication.update delegate. Inside your BezierPairEditor class:

    void OnEnable() {
        EditorApplication.update += OnUpdate; //Register to the update callback
    void OnUpdate() {
        //Implement your code to update positions here

    Secondly, try caching your BezierCurve references. This is because you don't really want to run GetComponent inside every update loop, as it is costly. Again, inside your BezierPairEditor class (I will omit the code above for clarity, merge it yourself):

    BezierCurve bez1C;
    BezierCurve bez2C;
    void OnEnable() {
        BezierPair pair = target as BezierPair;
        bez1C = pair.bez1.GetComponent<BezierCurve>();
        bez2C = pair.bez2.GetComponenet<BezierCurve>();
    void OnUpdate() {
        //Do something with bez1C and bez2C here

    Finally, to solve points 1 to 3, since you did not specify, I shall assume that you are moving bez1 manually, and bez2 should follow. In the case where either one can be moved manually and the other should follow, I would recommend you to implement an isChanged check in your BezierCurve class. Then in your BezierPairEditor class, you can check which one has moved, and update the other one accordingly.

    Inside BezierPairEditor class (again, I will omit the code above for clarity, merge it yourself):

    Vector2 bez1CPrev1;
    void OnEnable() {
        bez1CPrev1 = bez1C.points[1];
        //Ensure that they have the same starting point
        //Either you shift just points[0] of bez2 to be the same as bez1, or you shift every point. Implement this yourself.
    void OnUpdate() {
        Vector2 disp = bez1C.points[1] - bez1CPrev1;
        bez2C.points[0] = bez1C.points[0];
        bez2C.points[1] = bez2C.points[1] + disp;
        //3. Here, we are gonna use Vector2.Reflect(). Why? 
        //Imagine throwing a ball from newP2(curve1) to P3(curve1).
        //If the 'surface' that the ball hits has a normal of P0(curve1)-P3(curve1), you will have the ball bounce back to reach newP2(curve2).
        //Effectively: newP2(curve2) = P3(curve1) + [newP2(curve2) - P3(curve1)]. The term in the square brackets, we will do it with Vector2.Reflect().
        bez2C.points[2] = bez1C.points[3] + Vector2.Reflect(bez1C.points[3] - bez1C.points[2], (bez1C.points[0] - bez1C.points[3]).normalized);
        //Draw your bezier curve etc. here
        bez1CPrev1 = bez1C.points[1];
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