How can I do the following (java):
for(int i = 0; i < 81 ; i+=20){
//Should loop through 5 times!
in Thymeleaf?
I\'ve tried thi
Add step to your code is quite easy.
#{numbers.sequence(0, 81, 20)}
The 1st value is the beginning of count, the 2nd is the maximum value and the 3rd is the incremental value
${#numbers.sequence( 1, 4, 1)}
I am assuming this is due to the numbers you are using. For your java code, int i = 0; i < 81 ; i+=20 will return i=0, i=20, i=40, i=60 and i=80
however your following code numbers.sequence( 1, 81/20)} should returns the integers from 1 to 4.05, being 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The first loop returns 5 results for i, therefore runs 5 times. the second returns only 4 results, so runs 4 times. I would suggest running your sequence starting at 0 to return 5 results as desired.
If you wanted your java code to mirror the second code, you should change it to: int i = 1; i < 4.05 ; i+=1
To put it simply, you are running through a loop with different numbers, I suggest changing the second statement to start from 0.
use iterStat key word to iterate. Example If you have an Array of String and you are iterating the same using thymeleaf.
<div th:each="str,iterStat : strings">
<span th:text="${str}"/><!--This will print the index value-->
<span th:text="${iterStat.index}"/><!--This will print the Index-->