Is there any inbuilt number validator tag in JSF that checks whether an input entered in h:inputext
field is a number?
The first question was answered. Edit
You can use f:convertNumber
(use the integerOnly
You can get more information here.
You can use:
<f:validateLongRange minimum="20" maximum="1000" />
Where minimum is the smallest number allowed and maximum is the largest. Look here for more details
i8taken solution converts number into long without validation message (at least in my case: JSF2 / global messages per page). For proper validation message you can
1. check value in action method in bean;
2. use converter attribute for inputText:
<h:inputText id="maxrecs" value="#{simpleBean.numRecords}" maxlength="4" converter="javax.faces.Integer" />
You can simply use the passthrough, so first add this library
and after use this
<h:inputText id="numberId" pt:type="number" />
JSF Number validation for inputtext mention f:converterNumber component in between h inputText component and mention the attributes integerOnly and type.
<h:inputText id="textMobileId" label="Mobile" styleClass="controlfont" value="#{UserRegistrationBean.textMobile}">
<f:convertNumber integerOnly="true" type="number" />
If you enter abcd in Mobile textbox at the time when you click on commandbutton it automatically shows an error like
Mobile: 'abcd' is not a number.