initializes a repository where babel-loader is installed as an older version than needed.
this means you install tow babel-loader
rm yarn.lock
run npm uninstall babel-loader@8.0.4
On Mac:
Remove the conflicting package from /Users/<yourusername>/node_modules
I was having this issue and just added in
"babel-loader": "8.0.4",
to my package.json in the dependencies and it seemed to fix the issue
I got the same problem. I solved it by removing folder node_modules in User/ and file package-lock.json (if exists). It should work perfectly then.
I have also problems after creating an app-project using the following commands:
create-react-app "project name"
create-react-app "project name" --use-npm
npx create-react-app.
On all cases the result was the error specified right in the top:
[There might be a problem with the project dependency tree. It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.......][...]
watching on the error a line came with a small clue:
"/Users/john/node_modules/babel-loader (version: "7.1.5") -> was a version that creates conflict with above specified - version "babel-loader@8.0.6"
for me the solution was: following this path through my folders and delete the node_modules folder then restart again the project.