This is a follow up question to this question:
Update Android Support Library to 23.2.0 cause error: XmlPullParserException Binary XML file line #17
A previous answer to this question had a solution for developers who use Gradle, but I don't use Gradle so I want to summarize his answer which helped several people and what I eventually did. I accepted my own answer and not his since like I said, I don't use Gradle so I did not use what he wrote.
I did several things for it to work in the end. Possible solutions are:
First for Gradle users:
1) Revert the support library to an older version, since this one has a bug.
2) use compile '' as the bug was fixed there.
3) for Gradle Plugin 2.0:
android {
defaultConfig {
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
Or you can use Grade Build Tools 1.5.0 (classpath ''
defaultConfig {
generatedDensities = []
// no need for this with Gradle 2.0
aaptOptions {
additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"
This is the part for non Gradle users:
1) Open SDK manager.
2) Uninstalled both "Android Wear X" (where X is ARM or Intel) from APIs 22 and 23.
3) I then still had a compilation error in one of the styles of the AppCompat library. I simply commented them out (I'll risk the very specific device not working if it uses that very specific style).
After that I cleaned the project and it just started to work.