I currently have a rails check_box_tag call that looks like
check_box_tag #{name}
I want to include a checked attribute, which I know I can do
Just wanted to update this. The third parameter for check_box_tag
is a boolean value representing the checked status.
check_box_tag name, value, true
If you pass in a value of "1" to the value field, it will pass-on the value of the real state of the checkbox, regardless of the checked default value:
is_checked = <default boolean>
check_box_tag :show_defaults, '1', is_checked
(now always reflects user input)
If anyone have column type boolean then look at this. is_checked? will be default boolean value. It worked for me.
<%= hidden_field_tag :name, 'false' %>
<%= check_box_tag :name, true, is_checked? %>
If you want the checkbox to be checked, then
check_box_tag name, value, {:checked => "checked"}
check_box_tag name, value
check_box_tag(name, value = "1", checked = false, options = {})
check_box_tag 'receive_email', 'yes', true
# => <input checked="checked" id="receive_email" name="receive_email" type="checkbox" value="yes" />
check_box_tag 'tos', 'yes', false, class: 'accept_tos'
# => <input class="accept_tos" id="tos" name="tos" type="checkbox" value="yes" />
check_box_tag 'eula', 'accepted', false, disabled: true
# => <input disabled="disabled" id="eula" name="eula" type="checkbox" value="accepted" />
There are no ways to do it directly. But the check_box_tag
implementation is trivial, you can monkey patch it or create own helper.
Original implementation:
def check_box_tag(name, value = "1", checked = false, options = {})
html_options = { "type" => "checkbox", "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name), "value" => value }.update(options.stringify_keys)
html_options["checked"] = "checked" if checked
tag :input, html_options