I\'m using Highcharts to create some vertical bars (a.k.a. \"column charts\") a lot like here: highcharts.com/demo/column-basic
Thing is, sometimes there are 30 bars in
a better way would be has suggested
check this fiddle
just add
series: {
pointWidth: 20
in you plot options and thats it . :) enjoy cheers ...
I faced the same issue using HighCharts and this is how I fixed it !!
-- Create a wrapper div for the chart, with some minimum width and overflow:auto. (To enable horizontal scroll)
-- Set the "pointWidth" of each bar to the required value. (say, pointWidth: 75)
-- Now set the chartWidth dynamically, based on the number of bars.
Use chartWidth = (number of bars) * (pointWidth) * 2
So, if you have 15 bars, chartWidth = 15*75*2 = 2250px, where 2 is used to create larger chart width, to accommodate spacing between bars.
--In this manner, You can have any number of bars of same width in the scrollable chart ... :)
In my case, setting pointRange to 1 was what I needed. If a category with a box was adjacent to a category without a box (only outliers in a scatter series) the box would be wider than the category.
There is a good explanation here.
Update: As of Highcharts version 4.1.8 , see Adam Goodwin's answer, below.
For many years, the only way to set the maximum width of the columns, was dynamically via JavaScript.
.Something like:
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart ( { ... ...
//--- Enforce a Maximum bar width.
var MaximumBarWidth = 40; //-- Pixels.
var series = chart.series[0];
if (series.data.length) {
if (series.data[0].barW > MaximumBarWidth) {
series.options.pointWidth = MaximumBarWidth;
/*--- Force a redraw. Note that redraw() will not
fire in this case!
Hence we use something like setSize().
chart.setSize (400, 300);
See the demo at jsFiddle.
Ultimate solution is to wrap drawPoints
and overwrite shaperArgs
of each point, especially x-position and width:
(function(H) {
var each = H.each;
H.wrap(H.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'drawPoints', function(proceed) {
var series = this;
if(series.data.length > 0 ){
var width = series.barW > series.options.maxPointWidth ? series.options.maxPointWidth : series.barW;
each(this.data, function(point) {
point.shapeArgs.x += (point.shapeArgs.width - width) / 2;
point.shapeArgs.width = width;
chart: {
type: 'column'
series: [{
maxPointWidth: 50,
data: [ ... ]
And live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/83M3T/1/
I used the spacingTop attribute to enforce a maximum pointWidth on a bar chart:
if (series[0].data[0].pointWidth > maximumBarWidth) {
this.options.chart.spacingTop = this.options.chart.height - (maximumBarWidth * series.length) - 30;
this.isDirtyBox = true;
So if there is one Bar over a certain Width the spacing will be adjusted and the chart is drawn smaller.
This does not change the size of the container but keeps the bars beneath a certain size and your pointPadding and groupPadding will not be affected.
You could do the same with spacingRight and would have a consistent Chart without ugly spaces between the bars.