Here is how I query my database for some words
$query = $qb->select(\'w\')
->from(\'DbEntities\\Entity\\Word\', \'w\')
Why not to use repository?
namespace Project\ProductsBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM;
class ProductRepository extends ORM\EntityRepository
* @param int $amount
* @return Product[]
public function getRandomProducts($amount = 7)
return $this->getRandomProductsNativeQuery($amount)->getResult();
* @param int $amount
* @return ORM\NativeQuery
public function getRandomProductsNativeQuery($amount = 7)
# set entity name
$table = $this->getClassMetadata()
# create rsm object
$rsm = new ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
$rsm->addEntityResult($this->getEntityName(), 'p');
$rsm->addFieldResult('p', 'id', 'id');
# make query
return $this->getEntityManager()->createNativeQuery("
SELECT FROM {$table} p ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, {$amount}
", $rsm);
For me, the most useful way was to create two arrays where i say order type and different properties of the Entity. For example:
$order = array_rand(array(
'DESC' => 'DESC',
'ASC' => 'ASC'
$column = array_rand(array(
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => ''
You could add more entries to array $column like criteria.
Afterwards, you can build your query with Doctrine adding $column and $order inside ->orderBy. For example:
$query = $qb->select('w')
->from('DbEntities\Entity\Word', 'w')
->where('w.indictionary = 0 AND w.frequency > 3')
->orderBy($column, $order)
This way improved the performance of my application. I hope this helps someone.
Follow these steps:
Define a new class at your project as:
namespace My\Custom\Doctrine2\Function;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer;
class Rand extends \Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode
public function parse(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser $parser)
public function getSql(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\SqlWalker $sqlWalker)
return 'RAND()';
Register the class config.yml
Rand: My\Custom\Doctrine2\Function\Rand
Use it directly as:
$qb->addSelect('RAND() as HIDDEN rand')->orderBy('rand()'); //Missing curly brackets
Or you could do this -->
$words = $em->getRepository('Entity\Word')->findAll();
Of course this would be very inefficient if you have many records so use with caution.
First get the MAX value from DB table & then use this as offset in PHP i.e $offset = mt_rand(1, $maxId)
In line with what Hassan Magdy Saad suggested, you can use the popular DoctrineExtensions library:
See mysql implementation here:
# config.yml
rand: DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\Rand
Tested in Doctrine ORM 2.6.x-dev, you can then actually do: