I want to use Angular\'s breadcrumb capability. I added this javascript file to my services folder.
I added a div to my header.html file to call the javascript. Accordin
It's not enough to just add the HTML to your header template file. Make sure you've also completed the following:
Include breadcrumbs.js
in your main HTML template (usually index.html):
<script type="text/javascript" src="your-project-folder/services/breadcrumbs.js"></script>
Include services.breadcrumbs
as a module dependency for your main app:
angular.module('myMainApp', ['services.breadcrumbs']);
Finally, make sure you actually inject the breadcrumbs
service into your controller, and then attach it to $scope:
angular.module('myMainApp').controller('FooBarCtrl', function($scope, breadcrumbs) {
$scope.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;
// ... other controller logic ...
You can see the implementation of Steps 2 and 3 in the angular-app project in the app.js file (refer to lines 6, 60, and 62).