Hello I am making a class for doing multiple insert in pdo.
It is something like this
INSERT INTO $table (key1,key2,key3,etc) VALUE (value1,value2,va
An easy way for this avoiding the complications would be something like this
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO foo VALUES(:a, :b, :c)');
foreach($data as $item)
$stmt->bindValue(':a', $item[0]);
$stmt->bindValue(':b', $item[1]);
$stmt->bindValue(':c', $item[2]);
However, this executes the statement multiple times. So, it is better if we create a long single query in order to do this.
Here is an example of how we can do this.
$query = "INSERT INTO foo (key1, key2) VALUES "; //Prequery
$qPart = array_fill(0, count($data), "(?, ?)");
$query .= implode(",",$qPart);
$stmt = $dbh -> prepare($query);
$i = 1;
foreach($data as $item) { //bind the values one by one
$stmt->bindValue($i++, $item['key1']);
$stmt->bindValue($i++, $item['key2']);
$stmt -> execute(); //execute