I\'m looking to implement a very simple algorithm that uses brute-force back-tracking to solve Sudoku grids. The problem I\'m facing is that in my implementation I included two
Actually, you don't really need a stack or recursion. You just need an ordered way to visit the cells (see code below). This solution will not give you stackoverflow like a recursive version would.
I would create an initial matrix to label pre-solved cells:
public boolean[][] findSolved(int[][] grid){
boolean[][] isSolved = new boolean[9][9];
for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
for(int j=0; j<9; j++)
isSolved[i][j] = grid[i][j] != 0;
return isSolved;
Then go forwards or backwards through the cells based on if you are backtracking:
public boolean solve(int[][] grid){
boolean[][] isSolved = findSolved(grid);
int row, col, k = 0;
boolean backtracking = false;
while( k >= 0 && k < 81){
// Find row and col
row = k/9;
col = k%9;
// Only handle the unsolved cells
// Find next valid value to try, if one exists
while(!isSafe(grid, row, col) && grid[row][col] < 9)
if(grid[row][col] >= 9){
// no valid value exists. Reset cell and backtrack
grid[row][col] = 0;
backtracking = true;
} else{
// a valid value exists, move forward
backtracking = false;
// if backtracking move back one, otherwise move forward 1.
k += backtracking ? -1:1
// k will either equal 81 if done or -1 if there was no solution.
return k == 81;
I was able to store the 'row' and 'col' values of the empty cells that I kept loosing with each recursive call by storing them in a Stack instance variable of the Sudoku class. The findNextZero() method pushed the 'row' and 'col' values into two empty stacks. Then, I restructured the rest of the program to access this information through the peek() method, and in case i had to backtrack I simply popped the last two values and set the number on the grid corresponding to those values to 0.