This is more an observation than a real question: MS-Access (and VBA in general) is desperately missing a tool where error handling code can be generated automatically, and
You can always roll your own tool like Chip Pearson did. VBA can actually access it's own IDE via the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 Library. I've written a few class modules that make it easier to work with myself. They can be found on Code Review SE.
I use it to insert On Error GoTo ErrHandler
statements and the appropriate labels and constants related to my error handling schema. I also use it to sync up the constants with the actual procedure names (if the function names should happen to change).
What about using "Erl", it will display the last label before the error (e.g., 10, 20, or 30)?
Private Sub mySUB()
On Error GoTo Err_mySUB
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "MyDoc"
DoCmd.openform stDocName, acFormDS, , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & " (" & Erl & ")"
Resume Exit_mySUB
End Sub
My solution is the following:
On Error GoTo {PROCEDURE_NAME}_Error
On Error GoTo 0
debug.print "#" & Err.Number, Err.description, "l#" & erl, "{PROCEDURE_NAME}", "{MODULE_NAME}"
This standard error code can be then automatically added to all of your procs and function by clicking on the corresponding button in the MZ-Tools menu. You'll notice that we refer here to a hidden and undocumented function in the VBA standard library, 'Erl', which stands for 'error line'. You got it! If you ask MZ-Tools to automatically number your lines of code, 'Erl' will then give you the number of the line where the error occured. You will have a complete description of the error in your immediate window, such as:
#91, Object variable or With block variable not set, l# 30, addNewField, Utilities
Of course, once you realize the interest of the system, you can think of a more sophisticated error handler, that will not only display the data in the debug window but will also:
meaning that each error generated at the user level can be stored either in a file or a table, somewhere on the machine or the network. Are we talking about building an automated error reporting system working with VBA?
Well there are a couple of tools that will do what you ask MZ Tools and FMS Inc come to mind.
Basically they involve adding an:
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
to the top of each proc and at the end they put an:
Call MyErrorhandler Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.LineNumber
label with usually a call to a global error handler where you can display and log custom error messages
There is no need to buy tools DJ mentioned. Here is my code for free:
Public Sub InsertErrHandling(modName As String)
Dim Component As Object
Dim Name As String
Dim Kind As Long
Dim FirstLine As Long
Dim ProcLinesCount As Long
Dim Declaration As String
Dim ProcedureType As String
Dim Index As Long, i As Long
Dim LastLine As Long
Dim StartLines As Collection, LastLines As Collection, ProcNames As Collection, ProcedureTypes As Collection
Dim gotoErr As Boolean
Kind = 0
Set StartLines = New Collection
Set LastLines = New Collection
Set ProcNames = New Collection
Set ProcedureTypes = New Collection
Set Component = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(modName)
With Component.CodeModule
' Remove empty lines on the end of the code
For i = .CountOfLines To 1 Step -1
If Component.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1) = "" Then
Component.CodeModule.DeleteLines i, 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
Index = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do While Index < .CountOfLines
gotoErr = False
Name = .ProcOfLine(Index, Kind)
FirstLine = .ProcBodyLine(Name, Kind)
ProcLinesCount = .ProcCountLines(Name, Kind)
Declaration = Trim(.Lines(FirstLine, 1))
LastLine = FirstLine + ProcLinesCount - 2
If InStr(1, Declaration, "Function ", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
ProcedureType = "Function"
ProcedureType = "Sub"
End If
Debug.Print Component.Name & "." & Name, "First: " & FirstLine, "Lines:" & ProcLinesCount, "Last: " & LastLine, Declaration
Debug.Print "Declaration: " & Component.CodeModule.Lines(FirstLine, 1), FirstLine
Debug.Print "Closing Proc: " & Component.CodeModule.Lines(LastLine, 1), LastLine
' do not insert error handling if there is one already:
For i = FirstLine To LastLine Step 1
If Component.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1) Like "*On Error*" Then
gotoErr = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not gotoErr Then
StartLines.Add FirstLine
LastLines.Add LastLine
ProcNames.Add Name
ProcedureTypes.Add ProcedureType
End If
Index = FirstLine + ProcLinesCount + 1
For i = LastLines.Count To 1 Step -1
If Not (Component.CodeModule.Lines(StartLines.Item(i) + 1, 1) Like "*On Error GoTo *") Then
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i), "ExitProc_:"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 1, " Exit " & ProcedureTypes.Item(i)
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 2, "ErrHandler_:"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 3, " Call LogError(Err, Me.Name, """ & ProcNames.Item(i) & """)"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 4, " Resume ExitProc_"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 5, " Resume ' use for debugging"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines StartLines.Item(i) + 1, " On Error GoTo ErrHandler_"
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Put it in a module and call it from Immediate Window every time you add new function or sub to a form or module like this (Form1 is name of your form):
MyModule.InsertErrHandling "Form_Form1"
It will alter your ode in Form1 from this:
Private Function CloseIt()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Function
to this:
Private Function CloseIt()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler_
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
Exit Function
Call LogError(Err, Me.Name, "CloseIt")
Resume ExitProc_
Resume ' use for debugging
End Function
Create now in a module a Sub which will display the error dialog and where you can add inserting the error to a text file or database:
Public Sub LogError(ByVal objError As ErrObject, moduleName As String, Optional procName As String = "")
On Error GoTo ErrHandler_
Dim sql As String
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " Module " & moduleName & Switch(procName <> "", " in " & procName) & vbCrLf & " (" & Err.Description & ") ", vbCritical
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in LogError procedure " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_
Resume ' use for debugging
End Sub
This code does not enter error handling if there is already "On Error" statement in a proc.