I\'m currently working on an app that allows the user to play (automatically scroll) through a series of local images. Usually there will be five or six on screen at once.
I came across this page which describes how to use the GDI+ API directly to load images. Very simple to use:
Added to show speed of ImageFast over Image From File method
This uses the source code found here. The code was copied and pasted and required no changes.
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
string filePath = @"C:\TestImage25k.png";
Image fromFile = Image.FromFile(filePath);
Console.WriteLine("Image.FromFile Ticks = {0:n}", watch.ElapsedTicks);
long fromFileTicks = watch.ElapsedTicks;
Image fastImage = ImageFast.FromFile(filePath);
long fastFileTicks = watch.ElapsedTicks;
Console.WriteLine("ImageFast.FromFile Ticks = {0:n}", watch.ElapsedTicks);
Console.WriteLine("fromFileTicks - fastFileTicks = {0:n}", fromFileTicks - fastFileTicks);
The console output was
Image.FromFile Ticks = 19,281,605.00 ImageFast.FromFile Ticks = 7,557,403.00 fromFileTicks - fastFileTicks = 11,724,202.00
You can see the impact of the ImageFast. Over time those 11 million saved ticks will add up.
Easiest might be to put a 'next' and 'previous' button to limit the number of images and preload.
Check out the concept of double buffering. What you want to be doing is have a second thread that can be loading the next set of images while you are displaying the first set. Once the 1/6 time gate hits, you switch the one set of images out and start loading the next set.
i would probably create a background thread to continously fetch all the images from disk (keeps the ui responsive) and then publish each newly loaded image via an event
I think concept of double buffering will be useful. Set "Double Buffer" property of the form to True. This will help you little bit. Following links may be useful to you
If you have 6 images displayed at once, and you change them all every 1/6 of a second, you should be running into performance issues. Loading 150 kb from disk should be a trivial activity even without caching. It sounds like you may be overdoing the file loads. Are you sure you are only loading 6 images at a time? Are you reading images from disk that are not displayed?
If you can you provide a little more detail of the application flow, I may be able to be a little more helpful.