How do I integrate (html) fixtures with testacular? Is there any recommendation for performing DOM based tests or is it an anti-pattern?
Objective : I am trying to test
As stated on, since version 0.5.2 you can use the new configuration syntax:
files = [
pattern: 'test/fixtures/*.html',
watched: true,
included: false,
served: true
I just tried it and it works fine for me.
Current version of testacularjs cannot support this. However, the author of testacularjs(Vojta Jina), suggested I use a proxy solution to workaround this by serving the html through a different web server. For those curious, here are the end to end steps to get this working.
First run the webserver by running a command like the following
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3502 &
Drop your fixture file(s) in appropriate location. Mine was test/fixtures/first.html
Now you should be able to visit [http://localhost:3502/test/fixtures/first.html] and see the markup when you inspect page source
Edit testacular.conf.js to add the config block
proxies = {
'/fixtures' : 'http://localhost:3502/'
Edit your jasmine unit test to have a block like the following
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = '/fixtures/test/fixtures';
Now you should be in a position to loadfixture/readfixture