I just want convert an array of Player Names into a dictionary Scoreboard, giving everyone an initial score of 0.
var playerNames =
Using reduce(into:_:):
var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
let playerScore = playerNames.reduce(into: [:]) { counts, playerNames in
counts[playerNames, default: 0] += 0
To keep a count of the players names (eg. duplicate names):
counts[myArray, default: 0] += 1
So for example if Ron had two entries before the game started (score > 0) then you would know.
Without using reduce(into:_:)
method and as an extension:
var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
extension Sequence where Self.Iterator.Element: Hashable {
func freq() -> [Self.Iterator.Element: Int] {
return reduce([:]) {
( iter: [Self.Iterator.Element: Int], element) in
var dict = iter
dict[element] = 0
return dict
// ["Harry": 0, "Hermione": 0, "Ron": 0]
keep a count (eg. duplicate names):
dict[element, default: -1 ] += 1
You can use reduce(into:
) as you suspected. You simply need to declare the initial value as [String:Int]()
to be an empty Dictionary
of the required type, then simply set the value of all keys in playerNames
to 0.
var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
var scoreBoard = playerNames.reduce(into: [String:Int](), { currentScores,player in
currentScores[player] = 0
Here is how you can do that:
var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
var dictionary = [String: Int]()
for player in playerNames {
dictionary[player] = 0
is definitely one of the more difficult builtin functions to use correctly, but it is what you want here.
let names = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
let scoreboard: [String: Int] = names.reduce(into: [:], { result, next in
result[next] = 0
It takes 2 parameters: the initial value (in our case, an empty dictionary [:]
), and a closure that updates the result with each element in the array. This closure has 2 parameters, result
and next
. We want to update result
based on the next
element. Our closure does this by setting result[next]
to 0.
If the player names are known to be all different then you can do
let playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione", "Ron"]
var scoreBoard = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(playerNames,
repeatElement(0, count: playerNames.count)))
print(scoreBoard) // ["Harry": 0, "Ron": 0, "Hermione": 0]
Here zip
is used to create a sequence of player/score pairs, from which the dictionary is created.
Remark: Originally I had used AnySequence { 0 }
to generate the zeros. Using repeatElement()
instead was suggested by Alexander and has the advantage that the correct required capacity is passed to the dictionary intializer.
Here's a quick one liner that I like to use:
let scoreboard = playerNames.reduce(into: [String: Int]()) { $0[$1] = 0 }