Segmentation fault in pg.rb:56
versions: rails: 5.2.0, ruby: 2.4.4, pg gem: 0.20.0
After upgrading to Mac OS mojave i have encountered problems with my local hos
in .env file set
and you do not need to add any logic in config/puma.rb
As this issue is only occuring in the development environment, I made it conditional. This solution in puma.rb
works for me until the bug gets fixed.
workers ENV.fetch("WEB_CONCURRENCY") { 2 } unless Rails.env.development?
I had a similar issue, in which my test environment was often crashing in Ruby 2.6.3 with Segmnentation Fault lib/pg.rb line 56.
What worked for me was setting pumb.rb to have zero workers in the test environment:
# config/puma.rb
(ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV") == 'test') ? (workers 0) : (workers ENV.fetch("WEB_CONCURRENCY") { 2 })