Having some problem with running a grails application in GGTS (eclipse) due to upgrade to Java 1.8.
The stack starts with:
Mar 05, 2015 3:51:31 PM
Version 1.8.0_40 and 1.8.0_45 has breaking updates with grails. Spring can not copy non-Root methods.
Since the initial posting a workaround has been developed.
aclement commented on Mar 5 Here is the build: http://repo.spring.io/libs-snapshot-local/org/springframework/springloaded/1.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/springloaded-1.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
To test it under grails, what I do is go into the grails folder: grails-2.5.0/lib/org.springframework/springloaded/jars
I then rename the spring loaded jar that is there and put in a symlink to the jar above. It used to be that you could just modify the startGrails script to point to the new version, but now due to the forking I find you need to do the symlink thing. Or drop that jar into this folder and rename it to match the expectations of grails (rename it from springloaded-1.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar to springloaded-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar)
If you want to rollback instead
Grails is natively supported in 1.8.0_25, 1.8.0_31
Once you have a compatible java version clean your grails project. Ensure that your java path variables are set to point to your expected version.
set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.8.0_25
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%;
I thought I should add my two pence worth on this topic. Recently I hit the same issue trying to upgrade an ancient app to 2.4.4. The reason for my post is because all of the above instructions are a little out of date and whilst in most cases it may appear to work. The moment you introduce mysql drivers all of the above mentioned versions of spring loaded hit a new issue around incompatibility and Non-root when attempting to trigger the database.
I got ggts fully working with JDK 1.8_065. To make it work get hold of springloaded-1.2.5.RELEASE.jar Put this into grails-2.4.4/lib/org.springframework/springloaded/jars/
When you install ggts inside the ggts-bundle folder is grails-2.4.4. So put the file in the above location within the ggts-bundle folder. Unless you have changed configuration.
Re-launch GGTS
I spent ages on it and thought I should update the instructions.
Also the other thing that I hit issues around was forking under grails 2.4.4 with my uprade and ended up setting
grails.project.fork = []
In my BuildConfig.groovy
Changing the springloaded version in my pom.xml did the trick.
When I was experiencing the issue my springloaded version was 1.2.1.RELEASE
It's a problem related to jdk8u40, go back to jdku31. It works in that version. I'm running into the same problem both in windows and linux environments.