Help me settle a dispute with a coworker: Does setting a variable or collection to null in Java aid in garbage collection and reducing memory usage? If I have a long running
It is useless on local variables, but it can be useful/needed to clear up instance variables that are not required anymore (e.g. post-initialization).
(Yeah yeah, I know how to apply the Builder pattern...)
That could only make some sense in some scenario like this:
public void myHeavyMethod() {
List hugeList = loadHugeListOfStuff(); // lots of memory used
ResultX res = processHugeList(hugeList); // compute some result or summary
// hugeList = null; // we are done with hugeList
// do a lot of other things that takes a LOT of time (seconds?)
// and which do not require hugeList
Here it could make some benefit to uncomment the hugeList = null
line, I guess.
But it would certainly make more sense to rewrite the method (perhaps refactoring into two, or specifying an inner scope).