Efficient, concise way to find next matching sibling?

前端 未结 3 1171
你的背包 2020-11-27 18:35

Sticking to the official jQuery API, is there a more concise, but not less efficient, way of finding the next sibling of an element that matches a given selector other than

  • 2020-11-27 19:10

    You can pass a multiple selector to .nextAll() and use .first() on the result, like this:

    var nextFoo = $(this).nextAll("div.foo, div.something, div.else").first();

    Edit: Just for comparison, here it is added to the test suite: http://jsperf.com/jquery-next-loop-vs-nextall-first/2 This approach is so much faster because it's a simple combination of handing the .nextAll() selector off to native code when possible (every current browser) and just taking the first of the result set....way faster than any looping you can do purely in JavaScript.

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  • 2020-11-27 19:23

    How about using the first method:

    jQuery.fn.nextMatching = function(selector) {
        return this.nextAll(selector).first();
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  • 2020-11-27 19:24

    Edit, Updated

    Utilizing Next Siblings Selector (“prev ~ siblings”)

    jQuery.fn.nextMatching = function nextMatchTest(selector) {
         return $("~ " + selector, this).first()


    jQuery.fn.nextMatching = function nextMatchTest(selector) {
         return $("~ " + selector, this).first()
       var nextFoo = $("div:first").nextMatchTest("div.foo");
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <div class='foo'>Two</div>
    <div class='foo'>Four</div>
    <div class='goo'>Eight</div>

    Note, Not yet added to or tried at comparison test. Not certain if actually more efficient than .nextAll() implementation. Piece attempts to parse selector string argument having multiple comma-separated selector's . Returns .first() element of single or comma-separated selectors provided as argument , or this element if no selector argument provided to .nextMatchTest(). Appear to return same results at chrome 37 , ie11


    $.fn.nextMatching = function (selector) {
        var elem = /,/.test(selector) ? selector.split(",") : selector
        , sel = this.selector
        , ret = $.isArray(elem) ? elem.map(function (el) {
            return $(sel + " ~ " + $(el).selector).first()[0]
        }) : $(sel + " ~ " + elem).first();
        return selector ? $(ret) : this

    $.fn.nextMatching = function (selector) {
        var elem = /,/.test(selector) ? selector.split(",") : selector
        , sel = this.selector
        , ret = $.isArray(elem) ? elem.map(function (el) {
            return $(sel + " ~ " + $(el).selector).first()[0]
        }) : $(sel + " ~ " + elem).first();
        return selector ? $(ret) : this
    var div = $("div:first")
        , foo = div.nextMatching()
        , nextFoo = div.nextMatching("div.foo")
        , nextFooMultiple = div.nextMatching("div.foo, div.goo");
    nextFooMultiple.css("color", "green");
    nextFoo.css("color", "blue");
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <div class='foo'>Two</div>
    <div class='foo'>Four</div>
    <div class='goo'>Eight</div>

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