How do I implement Reader using free monads?

后端 未结 2 2024
醉梦人生 2021-02-15 06:05

Ok, so I have figured out how to implement Reader (and ReaderT, not shown) using the operational package:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTyp         

  • 2021-02-15 06:34

    I don't think it can be done except they way you have. But, I don't think this is unique to reader. Consider the free monad version of writer

    data WriterF m a = WriterF m a deriving (Functor)
    type Writer m = Free (WriterF m)

    obviously, WriterF is isomorphic to writer, but this does behave the way we would expect with the simple algebra

    algebraWriter :: Monoid m => WriterF m (m,a) -> (m,a)
    algebraWriter (WriterF m1 (m2,a)) = (m1 <> m2,a)


    runWriter :: Monoid m => Writer m a -> (m,a)
    runWriter (Pure a) = (mempty,a)
    runWriter (Free x) = algebraWriter . fmap runWriter $ x

    Similarly, I think of the Free reader as

    type ReaderF r = (->) r
    type Reader r = Free (ReaderF r)

    I like this, because adding them gives you the state monad

    type State x = Free ((ReaderF x) :+: (WriterF x))
    runState :: State x a -> x -> (a,x)
    runState (Pure a) x                    = (a,x)
    runState (Free (Inl f)) x              = runState (f x) x
    runState (Free (Inr (WriterF x f))) _  = runState f x

    Note, that your operational solution could be made to work with Free by using the "free functor", as can anything that works with operational

    data FreeFunctor f x = forall a. FreeFunctor (f a) (a -> x)

    but, that FreeFunctor ReaderI is also isomorphic to (->).

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  • 2021-02-15 06:42

    Well, I've been looking at this for 3 hours now, and I think I found something I like better. Since the Reader applicative is the same as the Reader monad, we can try an applicative version of operational:

    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs, FlexibleInstances #-}
    import Control.Applicative
    data ProgramA instr a where
        Pure  :: a -> ProgramA r a
        Ap    :: ProgramA r (a -> b) -> ProgramA r a -> ProgramA r b
        Instr :: instr a -> ProgramA instr a
    infixl `Ap`
    instance Functor (ProgramA instr) where
        fmap f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
        fmap f (ff `Ap` fa) = ((f .) <$> ff) `Ap` fa
        fmap f instr = Pure f `Ap` instr
    instance Applicative (ProgramA instr) where
        pure = Pure
        (<*>) = Ap
    interpretA :: Applicative f =>
                  (forall a. instr a -> f a)
               -> ProgramA instr a
               -> f a
    interpretA evalI (Pure a) = pure a
    interpretA evalI (ff `Ap` fa) = interpretA evalI ff <*> interpretA evalI fa
    interpretA evalI (Instr i) = evalI i
    data ReaderI r a where
        Ask :: ReaderI r r
    type Reader r a = ProgramA (ReaderI r) a
    ask :: Reader r r
    ask = Instr Ask
    runReader :: Reader r a -> r -> a
    runReader = interpretA (\Ask -> id)
    instance Monad (ProgramA (ReaderI r)) where
        return = pure
        ma >>= f = runReader <$> fmap f ma <*> ask

    The structure of a ProgramA (ReaderI r) a) can be inspected more straightforwardly than either Program (ReaderI r) a or Free ((->) r) a.

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