How can I programmatically set my WatchKit App background image? I need to set this in code as it changes depending on variable size and we need to place a label over the image.
I used setBackgroundImageNamed:
and it worked. Just pass the name of the image along with the extension. Make sure that the image is in your WatchKit app bundle or your device-side cache
[self.groupA setBackgroundImageNamed:@"image.png"];
It is not possible to programatically set the background image on an entire Watch App page in WatchKit... a background image for the whole page can at the current time only be set in Interface Builder it appears.
However, you can set a picture as a background behind a label, and make that image fill the screen:
This group image can also be set programmatically:
Set the background image in the awakeWithContext
method of the Extension (assuming you called your IBOutlet 'group'):
[ setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"myImageName.png"]];
The two techniques are of course not mutually independent. You can set an initial image in Interface Builder, and then replace it programatically later if that is called for.