I am working on a map with Mapbox and Leaflet and I am supposed to let the user draw polygons and calculate and show the are of that polygon and I also need to let the user draw
So I finally came up with an algorithm myself. I basically found the property of the polyline which holds all the latlngs
of the polyline and then I made it go through a loop and I used the distanceTo
method from Leaflet to calculate distance between points and kept on adding them to a totalDistance
if (type === 'polyline') {
// Calculating the distance of the polyline
var tempLatLng = null;
var totalDistance = 0.00000;
$.each(e.layer._latlngs, function(i, latlng){
if(tempLatLng == null){
tempLatLng = latlng;
totalDistance += tempLatLng.distanceTo(latlng);
tempLatLng = latlng;
e.layer.bindPopup((totalDistance).toFixed(2) + ' meters');
I solved this by extending L.Polyline
class, and using LatLng
's distanceTo method:
L.Polyline = L.Polyline.include({
getDistance: function(system) {
// distance in meters
var mDistanse = 0,
length = this._latlngs.length;
for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
mDistanse += this._latlngs[i].distanceTo(this._latlngs[i - 1]);
// optional
if (system === 'imperial') {
return mDistanse / 1609.34;
} else {
return mDistanse / 1000;
Hope it helps someone.
And also that's the solution of calculate the area of circle.
else if (type === 'circle') {
var area = 0;
var radius = e.layer.getRadius();
area = (Math.PI) * (radius * radius);
e.layer.bindPopup((area / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' km<sup>2</sup>');
I would also encourage readers to check out the turf library. It works great with leaflet and has many useful methods including polyline distance. http://turfjs.org/docs