We had setup kubernetes 1.10.1 on CoreOS with three nodes. Setup is successfull
node1.example.com Rea
In general, many different .kube/config file errors will trigger this error message. In my case it was that I simply specified the wrong cluster name in my config file (and spent MANY hours trying to debug it).
When I specified the wrong cluster name, I received 2 requests for MFA token codes, followed by the error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials)
# kubectl create -f scripts/aws-auth-cm.yaml
Assume Role MFA token code: 123456
Assume Role MFA token code: 123456
could not get token: AccessDenied: MultiFactorAuthentication failed with invalid MFA one time pass code.
For me the issue was related to mis-configuration in the ~/.kube/config file , after restoring the configurations using kubectl config view --raw >~/.kube/config it was resolved
In my case, I experienced multiple errors while trying to run different kubectl commands like unauthorized, server has asked client to provide credentials, etc. After spending a few hours, I deduced that the sync to my cluster on cloud somehow gets messed up. So I run the following commands to refresh the configuration and it starts to work again:
Unset users:
kubectl config unset users.<full-user-name-as-found-in: kubectl config view>
Remove cluster:
kubectl config delete-cluster <full-cluster-name-as-found-in: kubectl config view>
Remove context:
kubectl config delete-context <full-context-name-as-found-in: kubectl config view>
Default context:
kubectl config use-context contexts
Get fresh cluster config from cloud:
ibmcloud cs cluster config --cluster <cluster-name>
Note: I am using ibmcloud for my cluster so last command could be different in your case
Looks like you misconfigured kublet:
You missed the --client-ca-file
flag in your Kubelet Service File
That’s why you can get some general information from master, but can’t get access to nodes.
This flag is responsible for certificate; without this flag, you can not get access to the nodes.