New to pytest...
I have the following in to collect a team argument from the command line, and read in a yaml config file:
import pytest
The problem with your setup is that you want to parameterize on conf[team]
, but conf
needs to be defined at import time, because that's when the decorator executes.
So, you'll have to go about this parameterization differently, using pytest's metafunc parametrization features.
├── teams.yml
In the yaml file:
# teams.yml
bobs: [bob1, bob2, potato]
pauls: [paultato]
In the test module:
def test_player(player):
assert 'bob' in player
In the pytest conf:
import pytest
import yaml
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption('--team', action='store')
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if 'player' in metafunc.fixturenames:
team_name = metafunc.config.getoption('team')
# you can move this part out to module scope if you want
with open('./teams.yml') as f:
teams = yaml.load(f)
metafunc.parametrize("player", teams.get(team_name, []))
Now execute:
pytest --team bobs
You should see three tests executed: two passing tests (bob1, bob2) and one failing test (potato). Using pytest --team pauls
will make one failing test. Using pytest --team bogus
will result in a skipped test. If you want a different behaviour there, change the teams.get(team_name, [])
to, for example, teams[team_name]