I am using Perl to convert some XML to JSON. If the XML attribute is a number, I don\'t want to put quotes around it so that JSON will treat it as a number and not a string. How
You could just force it into a number then compare that to the original string.
if( $value eq $value+0 ){
print "$value is a number\n";
( Note: it will only work for simple numbers, like 123 or 12.3 )
I think this question from perlfaq solves your problem.
Generally the problem is defining what exactly you want to read as number.
It might be easier for you to just read the XML into a data structure in Perl and let Perl's JSON library figure it out for you. It already has checking for that, so unless your number is actually a string in the XML (e.g. it's got a space after it, etc) JSON->encode()
will encode it as a JSON number.
The JSON specification provides fairly clear rules on the format of a number, so the following regex should work:
Try Scalar::Util::looks_like_number:
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
if (looks_like_number($thingy)) {
print "looks like $thingy is a number...\n"
Assuming you don't need to support unusual stuff (like sci-notation) this almost works (and is very simple):
my $foo = '1234.5';
if( $foo =~ /\d+/ ){
print "$foo is a number\n";
The reason it doesn't fully work is because you can have hyphens and dots anywhere (as many as you please) as long as you have at least one digit present). '--1--2' evaluates as zero, and '' evals as 1.2 (the second dot and everything after are ignored). This may or may not be an issue for you.