Why won\'t my Azure AD application allow an oauth client_credentials grant?
I want to use the Azure Graph API, but first I need an oauth token. To get the token, I am tr
The azure version of the translator has changed things once more- the Oauth token request uses a new url and only needs your secret key, instead of all the other baggage. This page discusses it (but using PHP code): http://www.bradymoritz.com/php-code-for-bingmicrosoftazure-translator/
The key items are:
Then get the body of the return as the actual token- it's the whole body, not in json format.
This is a lot simpler than the method used before, but it'd definitely a pain that things have yet again changed.
This turned out to be an error in Windows Azure, there was nothing wrong with my code or config.
After Microsoft fixed the problem in Azure, I had to create a new application and it started working.
Forum answer from Microsoft:
We are seeing some errors with applications created in a several day time range, ending yesterday. We are continuing to fix up these applications but I don't have a good eta when this will be done. I'm apologize for the impact here.
Can you try creating a new application and retying the operation with the new client id?
I was having the same issue but only running the code directly from Azure (inside an Azure Website).
I solved upgrading 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory' package to '2.6.1-alpha'
Have a look at this link: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/resource-manager-net-sdk/
The latest version of Active Directory Authentication Library does not support AcquireToken method, instead you have to use AcquireTokenAsync method.
var result = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource: "https://{domain}.onmicrosoft.com/{site-if applicable}", clientCredential: credential);