I am new to AWS RDS. I have created RDS instance.But i dont know, how can i connect this DB. I tried like this
mysql -h awsinstanamehere.rds.amazonaws.com -P 33
I was having a little trouble with these answers so here are the steps I followed to get it working...
curl canhazip.com
VPC Dashboard
in awsSecurity Groups
in the left columnEdit
under the Inbound Rules
tabMySQL/Aurora (3306) TCP (6) 3306 [IP from #2]/32
I did this for every security group until the mysql connection worked from the command line, then deleted all of the ones that I didn't need, and retested to make sure I could still connect.
RDS has a security group - in the AWS console, RDS, there's an entry for security groups.
If you didn't explicitly create a security group, you are probably using "default". You should probably have one group per RDS instance.
You will need to make sure that port 3306 is open to your local network, as well as whatever application you will be using to connect to it. You can allow access by IP or by security group.