I\'m starting making experience with the Raspberry Pi 2 Development with Windows 10 and I was wondering how can I configurate the Raspberry Pi 2 to autostart my own published ap
The world's easiest way to accomplish this is the following order:
Use IotStartup.exe by Power shell.
IotStartup list -> Find out your app name.
IotStartup add [YourApp] -> Add App init startup.
I was looking at how to do this myself this evening. What I found was that you can edit the Pi's startup through Powershell on your PC and tell it what app to load.
Setting startup app:
Use the startup editor to configure startup apps on your Windows IoT Core device. Run Startup with any of the following options:
Startup /d displays the list of startup apps.
Startup /a [name] [path] adds an app with name name located at path path to the list of startup tasks.
Startup /r [name] removes an app with name name from the list of startup tasks.
For further help, try startup.exe /?
As far as region settings, you can do that while loading up the default screen on the Pi. When you get to the Windows screen, there is a gear icon in the lower right that will bring you there. Unfortunately, there isn't a real time clock built into the Raspberry Pi, so you'd have to add one (hardware) or pull it from the internet.
Something to be warned about.
At the current version, by default Visual Studio generates a random package name for your application, regardless your Project Name. My project's name was HelloWorld but it generated a totally different package name.
The name is a random guid and it is being deployed by that name. You can change that name at Project Properties screen. In this example the package name goes as 7e3bb987-a1b9-4a67-9750492af7c7.
When I remotely connect and run iotstartup list I see that my package is there with that guid name.
I spent some time to find which app is mine, so I wanted to give heads up to others who might encounter the same. Just rename your Package Name to whatever you want and you'll be fine.