I need a Regex that will match a java method declaration. I have come up with one that will match a method declaration, but it requires the opening bracket of the method to
A tip:
If you are going to write the regex in Perl, please use the "xms" options so that you can leave spaces and document the regex. For example you can write a regex like:
m{\w+ \s+ #return type
\w+ \s* #function name
[(] [^)]* [)] #params
\s* [{] #open paren
One of the options (think x) allows the # comments inside a regex. Also use \s instead of a " ". \s stands for any "blank" character. So tabs would also match -- which is what you would want. In Perl you don't need to use / /, you can use { } or < > or | |.
Not sure if other languages have this ability. If they do, then please use them.
I built a vim regex to do this for ctrlp/funky based on Georgios Gousios's answer.
let regex = '\v^\s+' " preamble
let regex .= '%(<\w+>\s+){0,3}' " visibility, static, final
let regex .= '%(\w|[<>[\]])+\s+' " return type
let regex .= '\w+\s*' " method name
let regex .= '\([^\)]*\)' " method parameters
let regex .= '%(\w|\s|\{)+$' " postamble
I'd guess that looks like this in Java:
(public|private|static|protected|abstract|native|synchronized) +([a-zA-Z0-9<>._?, ]+) +([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *\\([a-zA-Z0-9<>\\[\\]._?, \n]*\\) *([a-zA-Z0-9_ ,\n]*) *\\{
The Regex above will detect all possible java method definitions. Tested on lot's of source code files. To include constructors as well use the below regex :
(public|private|static|protected|abstract|native|synchronized) +([a-zA-Z0-9<>._?, ]*) +([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *\\([a-zA-Z0-9<>\\[\\]._?, \n]*\\) *([a-zA-Z0-9_ ,\n]*) *\\{
I found seba229's answer useful, it captures most of the scenarios, but not the following,
public <T> T name(final Class<T> x, final T y)
This regex will capture that also.
Hope this helps.
This is for a more specific use case but it's so much simpler I believe its worth sharing. I did this for finding 'public static void' methods i.e. Play controller actions, and I did it from the Windows/Cygwin command line, using grep; see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7167115/34806
cat Foobar.java | grep -Pzo '(?s)public static void.*?\)\s+{'
The last two entries from my output are as follows:
public static void activeWorkEventStations (String type,
String symbol,
String section,
String day,
String priority,
@As("yyyy-MM-dd") Date scheduleDepartureDate) {
public static void getActiveScheduleChangeLogs(String type,
String symbol,
String section,
String day,
String priority,
@As("yyyy-MM-dd") Date scheduleDepartureDate) {
(public|private|static|protected) ([A-Za-z0-9<>.]+) ([A-Za-z0-9]+)\(
Also, here's a replace sequence you can use in IntelliJ
$1 $2 $3(
I use it like this:
$1 $2 aaa$3(
when converting Java files to Kotlin to prevent functions that start with "get" from automatically turning into variables. Doesn't work with "default" access level, but I don't use that much myself.