How do I make a Flatlist navigate to the next screen when a row is clicked inside the Flatlist in react-native?
Edited: I posted all the codes inside my
i have simple example for that :
//Tasks Component
const Tasks = (props) => {
const { navigate } = props.navigation;
//function to go to next screen
goToNextScreen = () => {
return navigate('Detail');
return (
{key: 'Task 1'},
{key: 'Task 2'},
{key: 'Task 3'},
{key: 'Task 4'},
{key: 'Task 5'},
renderItem={({item}) => {
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.goToNextScreen()}>
<Text >{item.key}</Text>
//example for detail screen
const Detail = (props) => {
const { navigate } = props.navigation;
<View><Text>Detail Screen</Text></View>
//initial screen
const App = StackNavigator({
Tasks: {screen: Tasks},
Detail: {screen: Detail},
maybe can help you, thanks :)