I\'m not much familiar to Java Currency type, and how it being used in Grails. Though, I\'m yet to use it, I saw a tag
to use in the views.
Use the JScience library. It's just a shame it's not in a Maven repo yet, and doesn't have a Groovy wrapper to make it Groovier (TM).
You should use BigDecimal. Groovy and Grails has excellent native support for it as a datatype on GORM domain classes as well. For reasoning behind using it, see here
What is the best data type to use for money in java app?
since the original answer seems to be outdated, you might want to take a look at the money-plugin which is fresh and currently maintained.
If you want to have also live exchage rates updates then following plugin could help https://grails.org/ExchangeRates+Plugin all rates are pulled from Yahoo Finance.
You might want to take a look a the Currencies plugin. It provides a Money class for holding monetary amounts of differing currencies. They can be embedded into domain classes like so:
class CustomerTransaction {
Date date = new Date()
Money amount
static embedded = ['money']