In this response to another question, a little Haskell code sketch was given which uses wrapper functions to factor out some code for doing syntax checking on command line argum
Combinators are your friend. Try this:
take1 :: [String] -> Maybe String
take1 [x] = Just x
take1 _ = Nothing
take2 :: [String] -> Maybe (String,String)
take2 [x,y] = Just (x,y)
take2 _ = Nothing
take3 :: [String] -> Maybe ((String,String),String)
take3 [x,y,z] = Just ((x,y),z)
take3 _ = Nothing
type ErrorMsg = String
with1 :: (String -> IO ()) -> ErrorMsg -> [String] -> IO ()
with1 f msg = maybe (fail msg) f . take1
with2 :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> ErrorMsg -> [String] -> IO ()
with2 f msg = maybe (fail msg) (uncurry f) . take2
with3 :: (String -> String -> String -> IO ()) -> ErrorMsg -> [String] -> IO ()
with3 f msg = maybe (fail msg) (uncurry . uncurry $ f) . take3
foo a b c = putStrLn $ a ++ " :: " ++ b ++ " = " ++ c
bar = with3 foo "You must send foo a name, type, definition"
main = do
bar [ "xs", "[Int]", "[1..3]" ]
bar [ "xs", "[Int]", "[1..3]", "What am I doing here?" ]
And if you like overpowered language extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
foo a b c = putStrLn $ a ++ " :: " ++ b ++ " = " ++ c
foo_msg = "You must send foo a name, type, definition"
class ApplyArg a b | a -> b where
appArg :: ErrorMsg -> a -> [String] -> IO b
instance ApplyArg (IO b) b where
appArg _msg todo [] = todo
appArg msg _todo _ = fail msg
instance ApplyArg v q => ApplyArg (String -> v) q where
appArg msg todo (x:xs) = appArg msg (todo x) xs
appArg msg _todo _ = fail msg
quux :: [String] -> IO ()
quux xs = appArg foo_msg foo xs
main = do
quux [ "xs", "[int]", "[1..3]" ]
quux [ "xs", "[int]", "[1..3]", "what am i doing here?" ]
Haskell has polyvariadic functions. Imagine you had a type like
data Act = Run (String -> Act) | Res (IO ())
with some functions to do what you want
runAct (Run f) x = f x
runAct (Res _) x = error "wrong function type"
takeNargs' 0 (Res b) _ = b
takeNargs' 0 (Run _) _ = error "wrong function type"
takeNargs' n act (x:xs) = takeNargs' (n-1) (runAct act x) xs
takeNargs' _ _ [] = error "not long enough list"
now, all you you need is to marshal functions into this Act
type. You need some extensions
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
and then you can define
class Actable a where
makeAct :: a -> Act
numberOfArgs :: a -> Int
instance Actable (String -> IO ()) where
makeAct f = Run $ Res . f
numberOfArgs _ = 1
instance Actable (b -> c) => Actable (String -> (b -> c)) where
makeAct f = Run $ makeAct . f
numberOfArgs f = 1 + numberOfArgs (f "")
now you can define
takeNArgs n act = takeNargs' n (makeAct act)
which makes it easier to define your original functions
takesSingleArg :: (String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> IO ()
takesSingleArg = takeNArgs 1
takesTwoArgs :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> IO ()
takesTwoArgs = takeNArgs 2
But we can do even better
takeTheRightNumArgs f = takeNArgs (numberOfArgs f) f
Amazingly, this works (GHCI)
*Main> takeTheRightNumArgs putStrLn ["hello","world"]
*Main> takeTheRightNumArgs (\x y -> putStrLn x >> putStrLn y) ["hello","world"]
Edit: The code above is much more complicated than it needs to be. Really, all you want is
class TakeArgs a where
takeArgs :: a -> [String] -> IO ()
instance TakeArgs (IO ()) where
takeArgs a _ = a
instance TakeArgs a => TakeArgs (String -> a) where
takeArgs f (x:xs) = takeArgs (f x) xs
takeArgs f [] = error "end of list"
You might want to make use of existing libraries to deal with command line arguments. I believe the de-facto standard right now is cmdargs, but other options exist, such as ReadArgs and console-program.