I wan to use std::string simply to create a dynamic buffer and than iterate through it using an index. Is resize() the only function to actually allocate the buffer?
Isn't that the point to reserve() size so you can access it?
No, that's the point of resize()
only gives to enough room so that future call that leads to increase of the size (e.g. calling push_back()
) will be more efficient.
From your use case it looks like you should use .push_back()
my_string.reserve( 20 );
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
How is it that the string has the capacity but can't really access it with []?
Calling .reserve()
is like blowing up mountains to give you some free land. The amount of free land is the .capacity()
. The land is there but that doesn't mean you can live there. You have to build houses in order to move in. The number of houses is the .size()
(= .length()
Suppose you are building a city, but after building the 50th you found that there is not enough land, so you need to found another place large enough to fit the 51st house, and then migrate the whole population there. This is extremely inefficient. If you knew you need to build 1000 houses up-front, then you can call
to get enough land to build 1000 houses, and then you call
to construct the house with the assignment of ch
to this location. The capacity is 1000, but the size is still 1. You may not say
my_string[16] = 'c';
because the house #16 does not exist yet. You may call
to get houses #0 ~ #19 built in one go, which is why
my_string[i++] = ch;
works fine (as long as 0 ≤ i ≤ 19).
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_array.
For your add-on question,
cannot completely replace .reserve()
, because (1) you don't always need to use up all allocated spaces, and (2) default construction + copy assignment is a two-step process, which could take more time than constructing directly (esp. for large objects), i.e.
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
struct SlowObject
SlowObject() { sleep(1); }
SlowObject(const SlowObject& other) { sleep(1); }
SlowObject& operator=(const SlowObject& other) { sleep(1); return *this; }
int main()
std::vector<SlowObject> my_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
my_vector[i] = SlowObject();
return 0;
Will waste you at least 9 seconds to run, while
int main()
std::vector<SlowObject> my_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
return 0;
wastes only 6 seconds.
only copies std::vector
's interface here.
The capacity
is the length of the actual buffer, but that buffer is private to the string; in other words, it is not yours to access. The std::string
of the standard library may allocate more memory than is required to storing the actual characters of the string. The capacity is the total allocated length. However, accessing characters outside s.begin()
and s.end()
is still illegal.
You call reserve
in cases when you anticipate resizing of the string to avoid unnecessary re-allocations. For example, if you are planning to concatenate ten 20-character strings in a loop, it may make sense to reserve 201 characters (an extra one is for the zero terminator) for your string, rather than expanding it several times from its default size.
No -- the point of reserve
is to prevent re-allocation. resize
sets the usable size, reserve
does not -- it just sets an amount of space that's reserved, but not yet directly usable.
Here's one example -- we're going to create a 1000-character random string:
static const int size = 1000;
std::string x;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
is primarily an optimization tool though -- most code that works with reserve
should also work (just, possibly, a little more slowly) without calling reserve
. The one exception to that is that reserve
can ensure that iterators remain valid, when they wouldn't without the call to reserve.
instead of std::string
might also be a solution - if there are no requirements against it.
vector<char> v; // empty vector
vector<char> v(10); // vector with space for 10 elements, here char's
Your example:
vector<char> my_string(20);
int i=0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
my_string[i++] = ch;
indeed allocates enough storage to hold at least n
elements, but it doesn't actually fill the container with any elements. The string is still empty (has size 0), but you are guaranteed, that you can add (e.g. through push_back
or insert
) at least n
elements before the string's internal buffer needs to be reallocated, whereas resize(n)
really resizes the string to contain n
elements (and deletes or adds new elements if neccessary).
So reserve
is actually a mere optimization facility, when you know you are adding a bunch of elements to the container (e.g. in a push_back
loop) and don't want it to reallocate the storage too often, which incurs memory allocation and copying costs. But it doesn't change the outside/client view of the string. It still stays empty (or keeps its current element count).
Likewise capacity
returns the number of elements the string can hold until it needs to reallocate its internal storage, whereas size
(and for string also length
) returns the actual number of elements in the string.
Just because reserve
allocates additional space does not mean it is legitimate for you to access it.
In your example, either use resize
, or rewrite it to something like this:
string my_string;
// I want my string to have 20 bytes long buffer
my_string.reserve( 20 );
int i = 0;
for ( parsing_something_else_loop )
char ch = <business_logic>;
// store the character in
my_string += ch;