Here is what I use. It very nicely create ellipsis in the middle of a path and it also allows you to speciy any length or delimiter.
Note this is an extension method so you can use it like so `"c:\path\".EllipsisString()
I doubt you need the while loop, in fact you probably don't, I was just too busy to test properly
public static string EllipsisString(this string rawString, int maxLength = 30, char delimiter = '\\')
maxLength -= 3; //account for delimiter spacing
if (rawString.Length <= maxLength)
return rawString;
string final = rawString;
List<string> parts;
int loops = 0;
while (loops++ < 100)
parts = rawString.Split(delimiter).ToList();
parts.RemoveRange(parts.Count - 1 - loops, loops);
if (parts.Count == 1)
return parts.Last();
parts.Insert(parts.Count - 1, "...");
final = string.Join(delimiter.ToString(), parts);
if (final.Length < maxLength)
return final;
return rawString.Split(delimiter).ToList().Last();