I am trying to convert results of scipy hierarchical clustering into json for display in d3.js here an example
The following codes produces a dendrogram with 6 branches.
You can do this in three steps:
Construct a nested dictionary representing the dendrogram
For the first step, it is important to call to_tree
with rd=False
so that the root of the dendrogram is returned. From that root, you can construct the nested dictionary as follows:
# Create a nested dictionary from the ClusterNode's returned by SciPy
def add_node(node, parent ):
# First create the new node and append it to its parent's children
newNode = dict( node_id=node.id, children=[] )
parent["children"].append( newNode )
# Recursively add the current node's children
if node.left: add_node( node.left, newNode )
if node.right: add_node( node.right, newNode )
T = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.to_tree( clusters , rd=False )
d3Dendro = dict(children=[], name="Root1")
add_node( T, d3Dendro )
# Output: => {'name': 'Root1', 'children': [{'node_id': 10, 'children': [{'node_id': 1, 'children': []}, {'node_id': 9, 'children': [{'node_id': 6, 'children': [{'node_id': 0, 'children': []}, {'node_id': 2, 'children': []}]}, {'node_id': 8, 'children': [{'node_id': 5, 'children': []}, {'node_id': 7, 'children': [{'node_id': 3, 'children': []}, {'node_id': 4, 'children': []}]}]}]}]}]}
The basic idea is to start with a node not in the dendrogram that will serve as the root of the whole dendrogram. Then we recursively add left- and right-children to this dictionary until we reach the leaves. At this point, we do not have labels for the nodes, so I'm just labeling nodes by their clusterNode ID.
Label the dendrogram
Next, we need to use the node_ids to label the dendrogram. The comments should be enough explanation for how this works.
# Label each node with the names of each leaf in its subtree
def label_tree( n ):
# If the node is a leaf, then we have its name
if len(n["children"]) == 0:
leafNames = [ id2name[n["node_id"]] ]
# If not, flatten all the leaves in the node's subtree
leafNames = reduce(lambda ls, c: ls + label_tree(c), n["children"], [])
# Delete the node id since we don't need it anymore and
# it makes for cleaner JSON
del n["node_id"]
# Labeling convention: "-"-separated leaf names
n["name"] = name = "-".join(sorted(map(str, leafNames)))
return leafNames
label_tree( d3Dendro["children"][0] )
Dump to JSON and load into D3
Finally, after the dendrogram has been labeled, we just need to output it to JSON and load into D3. I'm just pasting the Python code to dump it to JSON here for completeness.
# Output to JSON
json.dump(d3Dendro, open("d3-dendrogram.json", "w"), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
I created Scipy and D3 versions of the dendrogram below. For the D3 version, I simply plugged the JSON file I output ('d3-dendrogram.json'
) into this Gist.
SciPy dendrogram
D3 dendrogram