I provisioned an Azure Service Fabric cluster in North Central US. I was able to initially publish my Service Fabric application to the cluster using Visual Studio and everythin
Check to see if a Network Security Group (NSG) rule is denying inbound traffic to port 3389. If so, remove that port from the deny rule or create a higher priority NSG rule to allow inbound traffic from that port.
If that does not work, carefully check each item in this article under the section title "The minimum rules are required for these ports on Service Fabric clusters"
If that does not work, sequentially review the Azure troubleshooting guides at: https://github.com/Azure/Service-Fabric-Troubleshooting-Guides
I was getting the same error in PowerShell and this is what worked for me: (based on https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ncdevguy/2016/12/25/connecting-to-a-remote-azure-service-fabric-cluster-using-powershell/)
$clusterFQDN = <your_cluster_FQDN>
$clusterEndpoint = $clusterFQDN+':19000'
$certThumbprint = (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My | where {$_.Subject -like "*$clusterFQDN*" }).Thumbprint
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $clusterEndpoint -KeepAliveIntervalInSec 10 -X509Credential -ServerCertThumbprint $certThumbprint -FindType FindByThumbprint -FindValue $certThumbprint -StoreLocation CurrentUser -StoreName My
NOTE: The KeepAliveIntervalInSec parameter is optional but the rest are mandatory.
NOTE: This assumes your management cert is installed in CurrentUser\My (Current User->Personal in Certificates MMC Snap-in).
Since the OP didn't specify what @connectArgs was, cannot be sure if my answer has been tried by the OP or not.